Prompt Engineer at

Posted on (10 months ago)

Bengaluru, India

Industry: Software Development

Job Type: Full-time

Experience Level: Mid-Senior Level

Job Description is a Series A funded, industry-leading sales automation platform that leverages your CRM and sales engagement data, third-party buyer intent data, and Generative AI to continuously discern the most strategic individuals to engage, precisely when to reach out, and with the most tailored message for optimal client engagement.

Whether facilitating sales representatives in their current prospecting efforts or orchestrating end-to-end prospecting processes, facilitates the expansion of your go-to-market strategies while consistently delivering productive meetings and a robust pipeline.


  • Ability to write exceptional copy
  • Keen desire to learn about the applications of Generative AI
  • Great work ethic and zeal for the job


  • 4+ years of experience in Copywriting or Marketing or Advertising
  • Experience writing sales emails or sales letters
  • Exposure to software development or software testing
  • Familiarity or interest in ChatGPT and some prompt engineering
  • Possesses an entrepreneurial mindset and has experience or the ability to work in startup environments.
  • Bachelor's degree in Arts, Economics, Behavioural Economics, Journalism, Engineering or Management